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Playbook for a Man's Work: Sin


SIN* (*Redefined culturally as trauma, moral injury and pollution)


  • If a man or a woman commits any offense against another person, thus breaking faith with the Lord, and thereby becomes guilty, that person shall confess the wrong that has been done, make restitution of full. Numbers 5:6-7

  • Every man is a builder of a temple called his body. Keep your body high on the list of environments to protect from pollution.

  • What a strange creature is man that he fouls his own nest. RIchard Nixon

  • When your life isn't going well you probably need to confess something. Rev. Jerry Ward

  • Discover your most characteristic sin, and direct your main attack against it, turning all your care and watchfulness of mind to guard against it's assault. -St John Cassian

  • It is not a question of giving up sin, but of giving up my right to myself, my natural independence, and my self-will. This is where the battle has to be fought. Very few of us would debate over what is filthy, evil, and wrong, but we do debate over what is good. It is the good that opposes the best. The higher up the scale of moral excellence a person goes, the more intense the opposition to Jesus Christ. There is no high or easy road. Each of us has the means to accomplish it entirely in his own hands. It is not a question of praying, but of performing - Oswald Chambers

  • The term ecology comes from the Greek word oikos, and means "the household." [...] responsibility, then begins at home and expands to fill the entire planet. Jeremy Rifkin

  • A happy conscious makes a happy outlook on life, and an unhappy conscience makes us miserable on the inside and everyone else miserable on the outside. When our conscience bothers us, whether we admit it or not, we often try to justify it by correcting others, or by finding fault with them. Fulton Sheen


We can identify health problems, we can identify environmental problems, we can identify institutional problems, corporate problems, governmental problems, but all of these problems are at its heart personal sins compounding itself socially. So what about you? If you admit you need to start a cleanse, a workout, a meditative/prayer practice, then you need to purge your soul too. Just as your body dumps waste your heart and soul needs to do the same. Stop shortchanging your life. Make amends, resolve your behaviors, seek forgiveness, admit your wrong actions, stop being sloppy, quick, and lazy. No child ever said to their father, "Dad I want you to be sick. Make sure to drink a lot, eat junk, get angry, be unfaithful to mom, get fat, work too much, ignore me, rot in front of a screen, and sleep little. Instead your calling and vocation demands that you, choose life, choose virtues, obey your conscience, the good, the truth, the beautiful, then you will be cooperating with grace, mercy, love, and holiness to rule your life. Living the abundant, good life to the fullest requires that we confess all our faults and junk that we have stored up in our hearts. Asking, and seeking forgiveness is the way out. Stop worrying and running away from your past. Your full potential only starts when you admit your need for the Lord.


Questions to Consider

  • What is my most characteristic sin?

  • What are my top seven repeated sins I struggle with most?

  • I feel the most guilty about what?

  • What relationship is in need of the most repair?

Play Strategy

  • What I am currently doing to reduce sin:

  • What I can do to reduce sin:

  • What I will do to reduce sin:

  • What do I need to do to ensure that I practice this?

  • What methods, boundaries, tactics, and conversations do I need to have? With Whom?

  • How will it look and sounds?

Run the Play/Deliverable Due Date:

After Action Review:

  • What worked?

  • What did not work?

  • Why was there a difference?

  • What was learned?


Oh my God, now I see very clearly that I have not given You the service that I owe to You for so many reasons. I have abused Your wonderful gifts, using them to offend You who are so good and so lovable. I sinned even in Your presence. I saddened Your Heart at the very moment when You were looking on me with perfect love. I was so blind and ungrateful as to love creatures more than You, my creator, who because You are infinitely good and lovable deserve all my love; I preferred my own pleasure to doing Your will. Pardon me, O my God, for all the sins of my whole life. I am sorry for them. I hate them from the bottom of my heart because You hate them. I bet of You, say to me, "Your sins are forgiven." Most merciful Jesus, from now on I want whatever You want. I have made up my mind to avoid all sin and to follow You with bravery and courage. I will try above all to correct myself in this particular manner (here mention one thing that you are going to avoid) O my Redeemer, strengthen my resolution by the merits of the Blood You shed for me on Calvary. I really want to make up for the past. With Your help, which I humbly ask for, I will try hard to do whatever you want of me. Rev. Alband J. Dachauer

Lord, the depths of the a man's conscience are bare to your eyes. What in me could be hidden from you, even if I were unwilling to confess it to you? For when I am wicked, to confess to you is nothing but to be dissatisfied with myself. But what I am really devout, it is nothing but not to attribute it to myself, because you, Lord, bless the righteous, but first you justify the ungodly.

So my confession in your sight is made to you silently, and yet not silently. In sound it is silent, but in love is shouts out loud. you myself, and not myself from you.- St. Augustine


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