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Old and New Media

As I've probably made mention here a few different times, I'm a big fan of Bishop Robert Barron and his Word on Fire ministries. In case you hadn't known, he has a weekly podcast called the 'Word on Fire Show' where he and the host discuss a particular topic. It was on that show a few months ago where they were discussing the reading of classic works of literature and they made reference to it to be called 'Old Media'. If I recall correctly, Bishop Barron mentioned that he was asked by someone coming of age in the Faith how to become versed in the Church, and he said that the questioner ought to engage in the old media, namely, books.

I hadn't heard of books being referred to as 'old media' but, placed in the context of the modern day and age, it makes perfect sense. Reading physical pages that we hold in our hands was certainly the manner of which we obtained information in the ages past. It certainly is the "old media" when compared to our instantaneous culture today: videos, social media accounts, podcasts, etc... aka the 'New Media.'

Personally, I am dearly fond of the old media; I love to read and if there is a chance I get to do so, I find myself buried in a book. I will say though, that given the nature of my daily routine, the reading of a book is not always feasible. I try to make use of whatever time available to me to learn as much as I can. You see, this can be done with the new media, too. The new media can certainly be considered a gift whenever it is used for good.

To become immersed in our faith and learn what we can, we should engage both the old and new media outlets. Allow me to provide some examples of how I might use both the new and old media. I’m a big podcast guy; I love listening to them. Just about every day I listen to a podcast on my commute home from work. Another new media outlet I use would be YouTube: if I catch a few free minutes during the day, I’ll pull up YouTube and watch a video on something related to the Church and apologetics. Generally though, I’ll admit that I use YouTube to pull up some Gregorian chant to listen to. However, it is YouTube nonetheless.

I’ll admit that I geek out over Catholic podcasts and there are several that I listen to. As aforementioned, the Word on Fire Show is a home-run for me. I’m also a big fan of Catching Foxes, Pints with Aquinas, The Patrick Coffin Show, and Three Dogs North. They’re all fantastic and offer different material / formats. In my opinion, it’s good to switch it up between them to keep each one fresh.

Now, for old media, the first thing I do in the A.M. is grab my breviary and pray at least the Morning Prayer, and I’ve slugged myself out of my warm and comfortable bed even earlier, I will read/pray the Office, too. Now, at work, during lunch (if I ever take one) I sit down with a book and leave my phone turned over, or move it away from me so that it is out of sight. I try to get involved in the read and become fully engaged with the text. I recommend you do the same. At the end of the day, I always try to finish my evening with some reading and then I’ll hit the hay.

The point that I argue to make is, make use of your time, man! Use both new and old media. The thing to consider is that they ought to be used for good, for the glory of our risen Lord, Christ! As St. Peter says in 1 Peter 3:15 “… Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Make use of the old and new media in the formation of your sainthood!

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